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Event Calendar


We will be providing current events of activities like concert venues, festivals, seminars/workshops, class/course and work/volunteering schedules all being offered by the commUN1TY staffing as well as members and outside contractors wishing to use our wide variety of facilities.

This page is under construction and will be updated with available information concerning all current and upcoming events as scheduled (at least a month in advance) to which can found on the calendar below, thank you for your patience...



Community Admins.

To be updated...

Each up coming event (weekly basis) will be featured here titled with a picture and paragraph (per "example" the community ctr.) explaining the details of the event's displayed

CommUN1TY Ctr.

Our first project will be covering the construction of the main facility building to which will house the majority of events, such as a in door theatre auditorium with an adjacent courtyard stage for outside events, as well as recording and production of entertainment for those that wish to participate, mutilple rooms for classes like yoga, mediation etc., each room will be themed specific for the activities.

To be updated...

To be updated...

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